Let's Get You Started!
Imagine having a library of personalised images ready to go for your website and your social media posts? Images that speak volumes as to who you are and what you offer? Images you can feed your social media on a regular basis throughout the year? You are the face that your potential customers want to see, to get to know, and to trust. The best way for them to get to you know you is by putting yourself in front of them.
A pre-shoot consultation to discuss your business, plan the stories you want to tell and prepare for your shoot
A photographer who will put you at ease and help you feel confident in front of the camera
Optional hair & makeup
Beautiful portraits - lifestyle and action shots - that you are proud to use on your social media and website
Wardrobe tips and wardrobe changes during the shoot
A blog post and social media shout outs
CHF 650.-
One hour photography session, one location
20 images in digital format
CHF 800.-
Two hour photography session, two locations
30 - 40 images in digital format
CHF 1,350.-
Three x One hour sessions in one year
Up to 100 digital images in one year
What impact does your photo have on potential employers, clients, or customers? Does it build a connection and trust? Your CV, LinkedIn page, website, and social media accounts are all areas where people 'do' "judge a book by its cover." A great image will allow you to stand out from the crowd and make sure that your 'cover' draws them in to learn about you and what you are able to offer.
CHF 180.-
20 minute session in the studio
1 outfit, 1 backdrop
1 digital image included
CHF 230.-
40 minute session in the studio
2 outfits, up to 2 backdrops
2 digital images included
CHF 250.-
30 minute session
2 digital images included
© 2025 Family and Headshots Photography|ProPhoto Photographer Site